Emergency Medicine (Basic)
3 days
Basic Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Course (PoCUS)
(eFAST, FELS, Lung)
Course highlights
- eFAST normal anatomy, required views and significant pathology
- Basic Lung ultrasound in the breathless patient
- FELS, cardiac arrest scenarios
Course Dates
The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) now supports all trainees to understand and perform a range of simple bedside ultrasound scans. This three-day introductory PoCUS course refreshes your ultrasound skills in critical illness.
We revise the simple protocols that identify major heart pathologies, common lung conditions, and the eFAST exam. The eFAST exam has utility far beyond unstable trauma, it introduces you to the optimal windows for viewing the solid organs of the abdomen. Those who practise eFAST scanning will find it easy to learn to advance to kidneys, gallbladder and uterus.
Short courses start your credentialing and journey to competence. However, competence requires extensive practice – but with this course you will know what, how and where to start. You will be able to recognise ultrasound anatomy and interpret other people’s scans. You will set yourself up to expand your PoCUS repertoire.
Who should attend?
- Emergency Physician
- Geriatrician
- Junior House Officer
- Nurse
- Paediatrician
- Paramedic
- Retrieval Medicine Physician
- Rural Generalist
- Senior House Officer
The objectives of this PoCUS ultrasound course are:
- Define the indications and views needed for each protocol;
- Recognise and obtain good quality images for each protocol on real patient models with a variety of body habitus;
- Understand the implementation of each protocol using case-based quizzes;
- Recognise pathology within the context of a clinical scenario;
- Discuss clinical decision making in the light of the information obtained;
- Synthesise three tools to model multi-system scanning, with the aim of improving patient care.
The prior ultrasound experience assumed for this course is highlighted below.
None/Minimal | Don’t use ultrasound |
Limited | Use ultrasound weekly/monthly |
Moderate/Experienced | Use ultrasound daily/weekly |
ASUM accredited training program. CCPU units included in the course:
- Extended Focused Abdominal Scan for Trauma (eFAST)
- Focused Echocardiography in Life Support (FELS)
- Lung
Approved for Educational Activities 22.5 hours.
This course is approved for 25.5 total activity hours. PDP units: 13.25 Performance Review, 13.25 Performance Review, 9.25 Educational Activity. MOPS points: 26. Grant eligibility: Emergency Medicine, Anaesthetics, Obstetrics, Surgery.
CPD Approved Activity under RACGP 2023-25 CPD program. Approved for Educational Activities 5 hours, Reviewing Performance 18 hours, specific requirements diagnostic radiology, 3 days Anaesthetics, Obstetrics, Surgery and Emergency Medicine training grants. Provider Number 214288, Activity ID 664706.

Theoretical | 6.25 |
Practical | 13.25 |
Total | 19.5 |

Morning tea, a light lunch and refreshments are provided each day.