4 days
Obstetric Ultrasound Course
Course highlights
- Ultrasound machine orientation
- Transducer manipulation techniques
- First Trimester ultrasound
- Third Trimester ultrasound
- FAST scan
- Case based discussion
Course Dates
In this obstetric ultrasound course you will evaluate both first and third trimesters of pregnancy with a systematic approach to scanning. Acquire, interpret and integrate ultrasound findings into clinical management. Establish viability, identify multiple pregnancies, confirm situs, establish gestational age and monitor the developing fetus. Assess growth and wellbeing. Locate correct planar anatomy and measure fetal biometry, Deepest Vertical Pocket (DVP), Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) and Dopplers.
Locate correct planar anatomy and assess for free fluid in the setting of a FAST scan.
Consolidate your probe manipulation techniques in both transabdominal and transvaginal scanning (Phantom only). Suitable for all health practitioners interested in obstetric ultrasound.
Who should attend?
- Obstetric Registrar
- Junior House Officer
- Midwife
- Obstetrician
- Rural Generalist
- Senior House Officer
- Sonographer
The objectives of this obstetric ultrasound course are:
First Trimester Ultrasound
- Identify and examine an intrauterine pregnancy.
- Identify, measure and document the fetal heartbeat.
- Describe the criteria for failed pregnancy.
- Describe pregnancy of unknown location.
- Perform transvaginal ultrasound examinations (Phantom only).
Third Trimester Ultrasound
- Identify and measure the length of the cervix
- Identify and examine the placenta.
- Discuss some placenta, cord & cervix — variants & pathology.
- Discuss translabial scanning.
- Establish fetal lie and locate fetal structures.
- Identify and record cardiac activity using M-mode and pulsed wave.
- Locate correct planar anatomy and measure fetal biometry (BPD, HC, AC, FL, EFW)
- Identify normal and abnormal fetal anatomy in the following fetal regions: head, heart, abdomen, pelvis, spine, limbs.
- Identify signs of fetal wellbeing.
- Assess and measure the Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) and the Deepest Vertical Pocket (DVP)
- Assess and perform the measurements of the umbilical artery cord doppler and the middle cerebral artery cord doppler.
- Describe the limitations of point of care ultrasound and when to on-refer the patient.
- Discuss the principles of the FAST scan.
- Identify the correct scanning planes.
- Assess and identify any pathology present.
The prior ultrasound experience assumed for this course is highlighted below.
None/Minimal | Don’t use ultrasound |
Limited | Use ultrasound weekly/monthly |
Moderate/Experienced | Use ultrasound daily/weekly |
CCPU Units included in this course:
- Basic Early Pregnancy
- Basic Monitoring the Fetus
Approved for Educational Activities 30 hours.
This course is approved for 27 total activity hours. PDP units: 27 Educational Activity. Grant eligibility: Emergency Medicine, Anaesthetics, Obstetrics, Surgery.
CPD Approved Activity under RACGP 2023-25 CPD program. Approved for Educational Activities 7 hours, Reviewing Performance 19 hours, specific requirements diagnostic radiology, 3 days Anaesthetics, Obstetrics, Surgery and Emergency Medicine training grants. Provider Number 214288, Activity ID 434353.
Approved for RANZCOG Trainees for FRANZCOG training.
Theoretical | 7.25 |
Practical | 17.25 |
Total | 24.5 |
Morning tea, a light lunch and refreshments are provided each day.